Reminder: Third APPA/PS/PSSJ Joint Workshop — IPR Seminar

APPA Workshop on June 27 (Wed) during the 2018 PSSJ Annual Meeting at Niigata.

Please circulate the poster to your protein science communities. We look forward to seeing all of you at Niigata.

The Asia Pacific Protein Association grew out of the desire of the Protein Science Society of Japan to build knowledge and interaction among protein scientists in the Asia Pacific region. Last year, at the 5th APPA Conference in Thailand, protein communities from 3 more countries joined APPA, making a total of 16 protein communities. As such, this Third APPA-PSSJ Workshop and IPR Seminar would showcase the success of this organization by providing a forum for young and experienced protein scientists who have become involved in the Asia Pacific Protein Association. Studies on protein structure, function and applications from the Asia Pacific region will be described by current APPA council representatives, with a special emphasis on the participation of junior council members and those who have reeently joined the APPA.