APPA Bylaws

Article 1. Name
The name of the association is Asia Pacific Protein Association (APPA in short).
Article 2. Objectives
The objectives of APPA are to promote protein research and education among Asia Pacific nations and regions.
Article 3. Membership
Membership in APPA shall be open to the Protein Communities in the Asia Pacific area. Application to join APPA shall be approved by more than half of the APPA Council members.
Article 4. Officers
The Officers of APPA shall be President, Secretary General, President-Elect, and Past-President. The President represents and runs APPA. The Secretary General shall be nominated by the President and shall be approved by Council members. The Secretary General supports the President and informs all affairs concerning APPA to all Council members. The President-Elect shall be elected from the host organization to chair the upcoming APPA Symposium and approved by more than half of the Council members. At completion of APPA Symposium, the President-Elect will assume the position of President, and the President will become Past-President. The Past-President will serve until the completion of the next APPA Symposium.
Article 5. APPA Council
The APPA Council shall be composed of two representatives from each APPA member. Each APPA member shall have the right to assign its representatives. Each representative shall serve a term of no more than six years.
Article 6. Activity
The APPA will hold a Symposium once every three years and promote any other related programs.
Article 7. Finance
Each member shall be financially responsible for its own activities, including hosting the APPA Symposium.
Article 8. APPA Office
The Office of APPA shall be placed in the Office of the Protein Science Society of Japan (PSSJ).
Article 9. Amendments
Amendments may be proposed by individual members of the Council. Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the APPA Council members.